Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Quantum Jump

I feel like I have taken a quantum jump.  Everything seems to be happening so quickly and has taken a turn in directions or paths I didn't expect they would go, but I am surprisingly liking it!

I am really realizing that when we choose to open our hearts, set the intention, make the choice without hesitations, then more opportunities do pop up that lead us exactly to where we need to go.

I am also realizing that when we do this, at the same time we are pushing our own limits and boundaries...this is where all the possibilities are because without growth, there is no progress.  By choosing to commit and make the sacrifices, we contribute to the long-term goal we have set for ourselves.  For me, the constant sacrifice has been Time and Money.  But if I can afford it within my immediate means, it pushes me forward to the next steps.  I am not making sound easier than what it is, I am just saying that once we act upon our thoughts, the Universe begins to work in unison with the our plan. 

I have been repeating these messages through my blogposts but word them differently sometimes or apply them to different areas in life.  Over all, it is all about knowing where you are right now and determining where you want to go.  It takes a combination of intuition from within, intention to set the course, and initiative to act upon our intentions.