Sunday, October 13, 2013

In the NOW!

As I continue to move forward in my own path and make the connections with like minded individuals, I am finding a pattern that I didn't realize before until just last week....I seem to be attracting teachers, coaches, and mentors into my circle almost by accident.  Although, there are no accidents as those of you who are into spirituality.  There are only divine synchronistic events that occur in alignment to our own energy.

Have any of you ever heard of the phrase, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear."  Well, it seems that I am ready and the teachers have been appearing.  They have been showing up and more so now to guide me the way and to light my path.  I have been taking a little bit of a conventional route but one that seems to transition me from one step to the next.  I am discovering my own inadequacies through this process but at the same time am finding guidance and comfort in the current book I am reading, "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth" by John C. Maxwell.  This is the second time a book has presented itself to me that is applicable to what I am currently going through.

Universe is ushering me to step outside of my comfort zone and push outside of my own boundaries.  It is not an easy task for I also feel discouraged and disoriented at times.  Mercury has not even begun to retrograde and already I am feeling the confusion and chaos.  What I am also finding out is that it is just not me.... it also being felt by those who I associate myself with.  This is the energy of October and will continue till late November.   The challenge always is to stay calm and clear in a time of chaos and confusion.  It is a balancing act but once mastered, it will really allow you to live in the moment, rather than the past or the future, which truly do not exist.  What is really most important is in the NOW!!!