Thursday, August 15, 2013

Trusting in the Process

I just heard a wonderful and gifted man by the name of Hans Christian King speak to one of the online talk I am a subscriber to.  He is also an intuitive....a very gifted and wise one.  He speaks with such ease and with such wisdom that just hearing him speak awakens my own spirit and boosts my confidence even more.

As I continue to evolve and grow not only as a person but as an intuitive, I automatically clear my own limitations of my own thoughts, beliefs, and actions.  Everything is a process and we always continue to evolve regardless of the path or level we are in.

Internally, I always knew the best way to grow is to just keep on moving from where you were before.  In my own life, my source of inspiration has always been through books and that is where my interests in spirituality eventually evolved from.  Authors were my mentors.  In the past 4 years, I have continued to seek support and guidance from others in a more tangible way, especially in the past year.  The desire within me has become stronger to learn from those around me, especially from those that I feel would be most beneficial to my own growth and transformation.

I did not realized how vital and necessary it was for me to begin my spiritual journey through just reading and listening to others whether it be through books, having conversations with others, or listening to a speaker talk online.  All have contributed and prepared me to this point....yet I know that what I will begin to experience will contribute and prepare me to another level even down the road.  This is how growth, transformation, and evolution works.  We must always be in the moment trusting that what ever is happening at this moment in time is all we need to learn.  From there, opportunities and doors will begin to open and present itself to us. if we are aware and opent, to guide us to the next step or next level.  This is how spirit God the Universe works.  It is all in divine timing for us to grow and step into our higher selves, we must be willing to set intentions and make choices for ourselves in order to realize our greatest potential.

I am currently walking in this path.  I am not only speaking from personal experience but I am speaking from my higher self on a more conscious level.  It is my hope that I awaken and guide others who are intending and choosing to move forward in their path.