Monday, August 12, 2013

Personal Development

I went to Whole Foods yesterday to replenish my business cards at their bulletin.  I was surprised to find out that they had a lot more flyers that was very much spiritually inclined and empowering.  It wasn't just about meditation and reiki, but I found flyers advertising shamanism, animal healer and intuitives, and leadership empowerment. 

There must have been a shift that happened because I did not see those type of advertisements there before.  It was refreshing to see such promotions for they resonated with me.

I am now having ideas of promoting the flyer a speaker of my leadership class is having on Personal Development.  I might just do that.  This is when I get these aha moments and opportunities open up not only for me but for others that I wish to help in their journey.

I have found through my intentions to connect with others,  that networking and promotion of others is one of my greatest strengths.  I just now need to apply more of that to my business.............
another aha moment!! 

For those who are interested in Personal Development, my good friend Cherry Reyes will be facilitating the Mastermind Group Study at the end of this month.  Here is the outline that she will be covering in the 8 week program, just for $99.  I not only highly recommend it to those that most resonate with the idea, but highly recommend it to those who may have an inkling interest.  You will not only be inspired from within but empowered to make the changes that are necessary from the inside out.
  • The Law of the Mirror   
    • You must see value in yourself to add value to yourself.  
  • The Law of Awareness
    • You must know yourself to grow yourself
  • The Law of Modeling
    • It's hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow
  • The Law of Contribution
    • Developing yourself enables you to develop others
Please contact or call (702) 546- 6049 to register.
This is a virtual class and two option meetings to attend for your convenience.  One will start 8/27 and meet every following Tuesdays 6p-7p PST.  The second option time starts on 8/30, and meeting every following Fridays, 9a-10a PST.  The Dial in code will be provided a week prior to the start date.  The cost again is $99 and it will require a book you must purchase titled "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth" by John Maxwell to discuss the topics mentioned above.