Saturday, August 10, 2013

Like Attracts Like

I just had a divine insight or aha moment.  Evaluating everything that has been transpiring for the past 3 months in terms of my connections with others within my circle, I have come to the realization that I am attracting leaders, teachers, and healers into my circle.  Those who are aware of their role and wish to move forward in their path are often the ones I stay in connection with.  Those who are not clear or focused in their role and are not quite ready or willing to move forward, I often detract from my circle of connections and they just simply "drop off."  This has happened in two separate occasions in two separate group meetings that have no relation to eachother.

So those who are reading my blog or continue to read them and resonate with my words and content of my message, you could very well be leaders, teachers, and healers and may not even know you are one.  You also could possess two or more of these aspects or traits in yourself.

If this is the case, then I am honored to serve those who wish to have a greater impact in service to others or humanity.  This has now empowered me to continue in my path with greater clarity and intention for these are the traits I possess in myself.

For those who are ready, willing, and able to invest in my services to better serve YOU, I am here NOW to guide and inspire others to realize their greatest potential.

For those desiring to move forward in their path to greater awareness, please contact me through e-mail at to set up an appointment or call me at (904)  887-3379.

Love and Light,