Friday, August 9, 2013

Wiser and Stronger

It has been a little over a week now since I last created a post on my blog site.  I am now feeling the intensity of what lies ahead of me.  I must again navigate my way through this maze I am currently in and find my way to create a better resolution to the challenges that I am up against.  It does not only apply to my family life, but to my work situation as well.  I am travelling a parallel road in my own journey where one fulfills the financial aspect and the other fulfills the personal fulfillment.

I was reminded last week of how priority and sacrifice has been a theme word for the past year.  The speaker in my leadership book discussion focused on how these two aspects are necessary to be able to attain or achieve our goals.  You cannot have IT ALL sometimes.  There must be compromises that have to be made to be able to determine for ourselves what is most important.  However, at the same time the challenges and obstacles that seem to be insurmountable are there for us to be able to climb over them so that we see the bigger picture.  It is often presented to us, if we are aware, to come up with a better solution or resolution to our dilemma.  It prepares us for what is to come.  If we can't see pass through it, we cannot move forward and embrace change. 

Others stop in their tracks when they come up with a block or a problem they are currently having.  They cannot navigate their way because they only see "their way."  The key thing to remember is that we must constantly be aware in the moment and ask for help or assistance when needed.  Taking a more proactive approach kicks things in gear and prevents us from getting stuck in our tracks.

So for those who have experienced or currently experiencing challenges and obstacles in your life or in your path, see them as gifs from God and the Universe as a way to prepare us to be wiser and stronger.