Monday, August 26, 2013

Synchronicity and Going with Flow

I have been seeing a pattern in my associations and connections with people lately.  The more I have deeper and meaningful conversations with people that reflect my inner interests and desires, the more I realize that I am attracting others who are also interested and resonate with my own beliefs about  health and healing, but in leadership and entrepreneurship.  The intention I placed last year is now coming to fruitition and I seem to be attracting them quite by accident.  I have not been seeking them out by intention but I just naturally draw them to me or I am naturally being drawn to them.  I am also finding out that I have been attracting spiritually minded people, which is a pleasant surprise, because I have been told in the past that it is hard to find spiritually minded individuals.

The one thing that has surprised me is how quickly I have begun to make the connections with the people here that I have met in Las Vegas.  Through my own intentions, I have also sought out those that resonate with me.  I have connected with another intuitive and am having a meeting with her to know more about how she evolved as an intuitive and how she is impacting others with her abilities.  Finding the support system and connecting with like-minded does help to stay focus.

I was reminded today that failure and rejection is a necessary process to ultimately finding your success.  In the past month, I have been feeling a bit of a slowing down in my own process.  There have been doubts and somewhat of a lack in moving forward, but I believe it is because there is something else in store for me that I am not quite aware of yet.  I am reassessing where I am at so I can determine my next steps and next level to step into.  While everyone else seems to be moving right along, I seem to have taken myself to the "rest stop" to take a little break.

Astrologically, the next 12 months is suppose to have an introspective theme and that is what I have been feeling lately.  However, at the same time there is a great desire for me to move forward.  I believe the universe is telling me to slow down and travel at my own pace.  I must approach the journey with more caution and care.   I believe that this is preparing me to what is to come next year when I will probably be at another level in my journey that will require more of my time and attention.