Monday, July 1, 2013

Small Changes, Greater Impact

Just to share with my blog readers, what two things I have been doing more of for the past year that that I never took much into consideration, put much focus in, or even did it more of in a daily basis.   Those two things were drinking more water and the other was meditation.  I have heard it many, many, many times before and have heard it over, and over, and over again, but never really had any major desire or reason for doing it until I was given one.  Since then, I have done it on a daily basis and with intention and purpose.  We often don't realize that the smallest thing we do everyday can have a huge impact in the process and in the future.  So my challenge to my readers is:  Is there anything you are willing to do every day or in a more daily or routine basis that will serve a greater purpose in every moment of every day of your life from now? 

If you are wondering what those could be, start with something simple and easy.  It may just be saying "I love you" to someone close to you that you love dearly but would not normally say everyday.  It could be saying "thank you" to someone every time a compassionate gesture or a positive comment is given, no matter how small or big.  Starting a gratitude journal is one that I started 3 years ago and am still doing.  The difference is that I am writing bigger grateful moments and events that I have been experiencing rather than small ones, even though the small wonderful moments have been continuing to occur.  I am just more aware now in every moment of everyday of my life and that choosing the right path for me has led me to wonderful events and people I would not have imagined that is serving a greater purpose during the  journey in my path.

Make it a habit today, and before you know it, you will be doing it without consciously thinking about it.  Do it with purpose and intention.  This allows people to become present in the moment and to become aware of those that seem insignificant before and now provide greater meaning and awareness to our lives if we chose to look beyond them.

You may not see the greater impact of the seemingly insignificant choices and actions you make now, but down the road, you will realize the greater meaning and the greater outcome from what you do AT THIS MOMENT  and EVERYDAY OF EVERY MOMENT.