Monday, July 8, 2013

Martial Arts for the Mind

I would like to share with you about my experience with meditation.  First I would like to say that meditation can take different forms.  Prayer is one, another is  doing an activity that requires repetition, focus, and attention, and another is sitting still, which is the most common one.  If sitting still is hard for others to comprehend, let alone do, I have a suggestion to make.  One is music, preferably one that is soothing, that calms the mind.  There are many out there to choose from.  Another is setting the intention and goal to do it on a more routine and daily basis like brushing your teeth or combing your hair.  We must attend to not only our physical needs, but our spiritual  ones as well.

I myself was not always diligent with meditation for many reasons.  My excuses were I don't have the time, I can't sit still, it takes too long and it's boring, I can't quite my mind, and what is meditation going to do good for me?  Even though I had been hearing it from spiritual speakers and the like how important, vital, and beneficial meditation was for the past 10 years, I still could not motivate myself to do it on a more purposeful and daily basis until June of 2012, when my Intuitive instructor gave me a reason for doing it and to do it for no more than 15min each day.  My driving force to do it was my wanting to enhance my intuitive abilities.  My intuitive abilities has not only become stronger, but my mind has become clearer and more focused since then.  In the process I have also incorporated meditation in my daily routine as medicine for my spirit and exercise for the mind.  Instead of having to meditate, I find it now after a year of continuously meditating that it is necessary for me to feel a sense of balance and centeredness in myself.  It is a way to connect to my higher spirit and soul.  I do it first thing in the morning after waking before doing anything else.  I may miss a day or two a week, but I do it more now than I did 2 years ago.  Before, I used to just meditate 1-3x a week and that was a lot for me when I first began meditating.

So start where you are.  I learned from Steve Taubman that it is actually good when your mind starts to chatter.  In the process of meditation, you will learn to refocus your attention from what is going on in your head to one of focus and attention.  So it becomes a practice to becoming more focused and centered.  The requirement is you do it everyday or on a daily basis.  Whether you do it one time during the day or 3 times during the day, in the morning after waking or right before you go to bed, meditating is a way to connect to yourself and to ground your physical and spiritual body.  Incorporating this simple daily exercise has a lasting and profound effect on all levels of your life whether you realize it now or realize it a year or  5 years from now.