Thursday, July 25, 2013

Reciprocal Value

My husband just recently learned today how to stay present and in the moment.  From that he was able to bring himself in a state of awareness of the choices he had made and is making.  I have not really understood that concept until 2 or 3 months ago when I began to see miraculous changes in my own life.  Every moment of experience and encounter and every thought and action I made created my reality.  Intention and Choice is key.

I am now going through a lot of personal growth and transformation.  Through this process I am currently experiencing, I am being led from one opportunity to another.  It is not always an easy journey to make.  I am now being confronted with my own fears and limiting beliefs and thoughts that are surfacing from my own subconscious so I can begin to heal and move forward in a more conscious level. This is where the empowerment comes in.  I sometimes do not have enough will or power to do it on my own so I have begun seeking others to assist me in this difficult process at times.  

I have always been one in the past to not ask for help.  I am learning now that we can't always do things by ourselves.  Our progress often takes much longer if we do it all alone.  Find a friend to confide in, seek help if you need assistance, or consult someone if you need an advice or greater clarity.  Reaching out to others is a way to connect with those who are there in our path to assist us along the way and vice versa.  It has a reciprocal value that empowers everyone in the process if done with honesty and integrity.