Monday, July 22, 2013

Brain Entrainment

I met a wonderful resident at work that offered some empowering insights that I never knew before and not too many people know about.  Some of the greatest art masters were mostly left handed.
I just thought I would share that with you.  It brings a point that what sets us apart from most everyone else can distinguish us to a greater degree.  The moral of the story of the masters being left handed is that they were all very creative and utilized and maximized their right brain hemisphere, which rules  creativity, intuition, and innovation.

Now you don't have to all of a sudden switch to writing or utilizing with your left hand to all of sudden awaken the intuitive and creative part of yourself.  We can train our selves to utilize our right brain more and balance that with our left brain thinking. 

Now, recently I have been very interested in the subconscious for this is where I am intuitively discovering is where most of my blocks and limiting belief are stemming from.  So my goal is to bring the subconscious to the surface and allow the healing and clearing to occur on a more conscious level.  Brain Entrainment has been one method I have been coming across lately that has stirred up a fascination to empowering myself to realize my fears and limiting thoughts and how I can shift or change my perspective so I no longer have to allow the same old patterns to continue occurring.  It requires much time and effort and consistency and momentum.  However, it also requires small steps that is more achievable so our mind does not stop us in our tracks.

So my advice to my readers is to do something small everyday.  My daily ritual I do almost everyday without consciously thinking much about is listening to Christian or positive music on a particular station.  I am not a Christian, but I am a very spiritual inclined and am very much into positive thinking.  Inspiration like this can create profound impacts in our lives.  Ask yourselves what is yours?