Monday, June 24, 2013

Today is a brand new start week for me.  The planet Mercury is retrograding officially tomorrow June 25, 2013, so I must be willing to be flexible, open to changes, and expect the unexpected.  Situations and people will be in flux, other's goals and intentions may not be clear, and signing contracts or any important documents are often not advised during Mercury retrograde for they may need to be modified later or you may not be completely happy with the agreement signed.  So for the rest of the month of June until July 20, 2013, be mindful of your decisions in all areas in your life.  Double check any documents or facts. Accidents and injuries are more likely to happen at this time so just stay attentive and alert. 

The benefit of a Mercury retrograde is that it allows you to revisit old project you've ignored, allow you to connect with old friends or people you have not heard from in a while, organize or reorganize your home or closet, and it is also a good time to do any type of research.  Brainstorming is also great during this period, but not a good time to initiate anything brand new or take on a new job unless it is through a friend or a previous job you are planning to go back to.  If you must, especially if there are no other options, you can take a job offer and start one, but just expect that the salary, position, or environment of the job could change within 6-12 months time.  Hopefully for the better but just be willing to adjust in the process.  So just be prepared for anything unexpected that may come up not only in a job situation but in any areas in your life as well as I mentioned before.  It is also the best time for introspection and reflection.