Monday, June 24, 2013

I attended two free workshops today.  This particular Energy Healing class felt more inspiring to me for some reason.  I felt more release work energetically.  There were subconscious thoughts that surfaced and a possible past life I needed to let go of, forgive, and heal.  These were the 3 words that came up quite by surprise that my conscious mind was able to pick up.  I felt compelled to ask the first facilitator that worked on me that I experienced this with what her feedback was while she was doing the healing.  She said for some reason  she felt as if I as falling off, but she had to open her eyes every now and then during the session to make sure I wasn't.  She said that was kind of strange because that was the first time that she felt that energetically, even though physically, I was stationary and motionless during the process.  

I also got a chance to have the leader of the group to do hands on healing on me.  But the best part of it all is that I got to connect with all the facilitators at a much deeper level.  I was able to ask them questions and they share with me what they thought and a little bit about their background.  It feeds my spirit when I get to know people in this way especially when they share the same passion as I do whether it is on healing or talking about metaphysical subjects.  The icing on the cake was when I got to connect with someone in the group that invited me to a speaking venue.  I got so excited about it because  I am always enthusiastic to hear other speakers talk. 

By the way, speaking is one of those areas in my life that I am overcoming the fear of.  I made an intention to heal that part of me in the energy session today.  It is empowering because once we realize the block ourselves and come face to face with it, it is up to us to move ourselves out of that fear and into a state of healing so that we can easily move forward in our path with greater purpose and courage.

The second workshop I attended was the Leadership MasterMind Group Study/Book Discussion.  I have been taking this class for a month now, one day out of the week.  This has been inspiring and transformation for me on a more conscious level.  I am seeing leadership in a completely different light than before.  It is allowing me to not only understand the complexity of the role, but to also become aware of myself and the leader within me.  The business course I am taking currently is ushering me to step into all of my being, however uncomfortable and challenging it can become at times.  Stepping outside of our comfort zone is very empowering for this is one way of accelerating the process of personal transformation and spiritual awakening.